Black Friday & Cyber Monday SALE
Heads up everyone,
Black Friday and Cyber Monday is coming up soon! So we are getting involved and having a sale...
The sale starts on Black Friday, November 25th, and will carry forward for the 4 days to end at 11:59pm on Cyber Monday the 28th November.
Online there will be a site wide 20% OFF all items, including an extra 20% off products already on sale. The discount will be off your entire order not including shipping. All you have to do is enter the discount code BLKFRICYBMON when prompted during the checkout process.

In store the sale will be on Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Monday 28th, and will be for 20% OFF all items in store excluding bikes. This will also include an extra 20% off items already on sale too.
The sale will not include laybys or rain checks.
This will be a great time to stock up for Christmas!
Ride for the love of it...